Blog posts

Published Papers

  • Quantum Lattice Enumeration in Limited Depth. Nina Bindel, Xavier Bonnetain, Marcel Tiepelt, Fernando Virdia. CRYPTO 2024. [eprint]
  • When Cryptography Needs a Hand: Practical Post-Quantum Authentication for V2V Communications. Geoff Twardokus, Nina Bindel, Hanif Rahbari, Sarah McCarthy. NDSS 2024. [eprint]
  • Batch Signatures, Revisited. Carlos Aguilar-Melchor, Martin R. Albrecht, Thomas Bailleux, Nina Bindel, James Howe, Andreas Hülsing, David Joseph, Marc Manzano; CT-RSA 2024, [eprint]
  • Attest or not to attest, this is the question – Provable attestation in FIDO2. Nina Bindel, Nicolas Gama, Sandra Guasch, Eyal Ronen. ASIACrypt 2023. IACR eprint Report 2023/1398. [eprint]
  • Post-Quantum Cryptographic Assemblages and the Governance of theQuantum Threat. Kristen Csenkey, Nina Bindel. Journal of Cybersecurity 2022. [arxiv]
  • The Need for Being Explicit: Failed Attempts to Construct Implicit Certificates from Lattices. Nina Bindel, Sarah McCarthy. The Computer Journal [link to CJ]
  • FIDO2, CTAP 2.1, and WebAuthn 2: Provable Security and Post-Quantum Instantiation. Nina Bindel, Cas Cremers, Mang, Zhao. IEEE S&P 2023 [eprint]
  • Light the Signal: Optimization of Signal Leakage Attacks against LWE-Based Key Exchange. Yue Qin, Ruoyu Ding, Chi Cheng, Nina Bindel, Yanbin Pan, Jintai Ding. ESORICS 2022 [eprint] [blog]
  • Improved attacks against key reuse in learning with errors key exchange. Nina Bindel, Douglas Stebila, Shannon Veitch. LatinCrypt 2021 [eprint]
  • How Canada Can Prepare for the Quantum Threat. Nina Bindel and Kristen Csenkey; Canadian Global Affairs Institute Staff published this page in Policy Perspectives. 2021. not peer-reviewed [link to CGAI]
  • Simplifying Emerging Technologies — Risks and How to Mitigate Them. Kristen Csenkey (ed.), Nina Bindel, Josh Gold, Travis Morrison, Sarah Shoker. 2020. not peer-reviewed [pdf] [additionalInfo]
  • Parameterized Hardware Accelerators for Lattice-Based Cryptography and Their Application to the HW/SW Co-Design of qTESLA. Wen Wang, Shanquan Tian, Bernhard Jungk, Nina Bindel, Patrick Longa, Jakub Szefer;. TCHES (Issue 3) 2020 [eprint]
  • The Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme qTESLA. Erdem Alkim, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Nina Bindel, Juliane Krämer, Patrick Longa, Jefferson E. Ricardini. ACNS 2020 [eprint]
  • Decryption failure is more likely after success. Nina Bindel, John M. Schanck. PQCrypto 2020 [eprint]
  • Tighter proofs of CCA security in the quantum random oracle model. Nina Bindel, Mike Hamburg, Kathrin Hövelmanns, Andreas Hülsing, and Edoardo Persichetti. TCC 2019 [eprint]
  • X.509-Compliant Hybrid Certificates for the Post-Quantum Transition. Nina Bindel, Johannes Braun, Luca Gladiator, Tobias Stöckert, and Johannes Wirth. 07/2019. The Journal of Open Source Software [link to JOSS]
  • Hybrid Key Encapsulation Mechanisms and Authenticated Key Exchange. Nina Bindel, Jacqueline Brendel, Marc Fischlin, Brian Goncalves, and Douglas Stebila. Proceedings of PQCrypto 2019 [eprint]
  • Estimation of the Hardness of the Learning with Errors Problem with a Restricted Number of Samples. Markus Schmidt and Nina Bindel; 02/2017; Journal of Mathematical Cryptology [eprint]
  • Special Session: Hampering fault attacks against lattice-based signature schemes— countermeasures and their efficiency. Nina Bindel, Juliane Krämer, and Johannes Schreiber; Proceedings of CODES/ISSS 2017 Companion; not peer-reviewed; [proccedings version]
  • Bounding the cache-side-channel leakage of lattice-based signature schemes using program semantics. Nina Bindel, Johannes Buchmann, Juliane Krämer, Heiko Mantel, Johannes Schickel, and Alexandra Weber; Proceedings of FPS 2017; [eprint]
  • Transitioning to a Quantum-Resistant Public Key Infrastructure. Nina Bindel, Udyani Herath, Matthew McKague, and Douglas Stebila; Proceedings of PQCrypto 2017; [eprint]
  • Revisiting TESLA in the quantum random oracle model. Erdem Alkim, Nina Bindel , Johannes Buchmann , Özgür Dagdelen , Edward Eaton, Gus Gutoski , Juliane Krämer, and Filip Pawlega; Proceddings of PQCrypto 2017; [eprint]
  • Ein deutsches digitales Signaturverfahren auf dem Weg zum internationalen kryptographischen Standard. Nina Bindel; Tagungsband zum 15. IT-Sicherheitskongress – BSI; 05/2017
  • Comparing Apples with Apples: Performance Analysis of Lattice-Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols. Nina Bindel, Johannes Buchmann, Susanne Rieß; 08/2016; International Journal of Information Security (manuscript number: #IJIS-D-16-00456R2) [pdf]
  • An efficient lattice-based signature scheme with provably secure instantiation. Sedat Akleylek, Nina Bindel, Johannes Buchmann, Juliane Krämer, Giorgia Azzurra Marson; Proceedings of AfricaCrypt 2016 [eprint]
  • Lattice-Based Signature Schemes and their Sensitivity to Fault Attacks. Nina Bindel, Johannes Buchmann, Juliane Krämer; IEEE Conference Publications, proceedings of FDTC 2016 [eprint]
  • Verschlüsselung und die Grenzen der Geheimhaltung (German). Johannes Buchmann, Nina Bindel; 2016; Beitrag für den Band zum Jahresthema “Leibniz: Vision als Aufgabe” der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften; not peer-reviewed; [pdf]


  • A Note on Hybrid Signature Schemes Nina Bindel, Britta Hale; IACR eprint Report 2023/423, [eprint]

Technical drafts


On the Security of Lattice-Based Signature Schemes in a Post-Quantum World Nina Bindel; PhD thesis; TU Darmstadt, Germany; 09/2018; [pdf]

Book chapters

  • The Boundaries of Data. Chapter 3 –The Quantum Threat to Cybersecurity and Privacy. Nina Bindel, Michele Mosca and Bill Munson. Contributing author. Bart van der Sloot, Sascha van Schendel (eds). Amsterdam University Press 2024. ISBN 978 94 6372 919 2
  • Handbook for Management of Threats — Security and Defense, Resilience and Optimal Strategies. Chapter 7 — Quantum Computers: The Need for a New Cryptographic Strategy. Contributing author. Panos M. Pardalos, Antonios Fytopoulos, Konstantinos P. Balomenos (eds). Springer 2023. ISBN: 978-3-031-39541-3
  • Gendersensible Studien- und Berufsorientierung für den Beruf Security Spezialistin (Security). Contributing author. Frauke Prott, Margit Scholl, Denis Edich, Josephine Gerlach. Shaker Verlag, Düren, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-8440-7133-7
  • Weiblich, erfolgreich, MINT 2020: Ihr Wegweiser zum Traumjob Contributing author.; 3rd edition 2020.